How Long Does a Mattress Last? 5 Signs You Shouldn't Ignore!

Picture of Ava Grace
Ava Grace

February 26, 2024

How long does a mattress last

How long does a mattress last?

5 years?

7 years?

10 years?

While it depends upon many significant factors, but a typical mattress can last from 7 to 10 years.


Do you feel yourself tired even after 8 hours of long sleep?
Do you feel bumps in some parts of the body after waking up?
Do you feel that you would get a better sleep somewhere else?
We have got you!
Don’t bash yourself, or even say hard words, as we know who is the real culprit in this case.
This is not because you have developed some medical condition.
This is not because you are buried under the deadlines.
This is not because you are going through something.
The real reason is your MATTRESS!
YES, this needs to be changed, as soon as possible.
Your mattress needs replacement.
But, wait a minute!
How long does a mattress last?
Can a mattress last 20 years?
Typically, a mattress can last up to 7 to 10 years.
But, you can increase its lifespan.
You can also get your hands on the best mattresses that last long.
Let us answer how long a mattress lasts, and many common queries like this.
We will not let you have restless sleep anymore!

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How Long Does a Mattress Last?

Most mattresses last about 7 to 10 years, but their lifespan can vary based on several factors.

The quality of construction, materials used, and even the sleepers’ weight and sleeping habits can affect how long a mattress lasts.

Mattresses don’t come with a set “use by” date. Deciding when to get a new one is really up to you. Sometimes, we get so used to our mattresses we don’t notice they are not as comfortable or supportive as they used to be.

Yet, a good night’s sleep depends heavily on the comfort and support of our mattress. Despite the cost, replacing your mattress when needed is definitely a smart move for better sleep.

5 Clues Indicating It Is the Time for Mattress Replacement!

As we have stated that you would not be able to get comfortable sleep, that is why you you need to replace your mattress, as soon as possible. 

BUT, Is not waking up comfortable is the ONLY CLUE you should notice to change your mattress?

Let’s cover some more in this section.


Do you find it easy to get comfortable when you go to bed at night, or do you often toss and turn? If settling down is hard in the first few minutes, your mattress might not be doing its job well. It could be time to think about getting a new one.


Another sign is what your body tells you. An old mattress can lead to pain in your hips, lower back, mid-back, neck, and shoulders.


How are you feeling during the day?

Are you rested and energized?

Or do you ‘hit the wall’ rather early?

Your old mattress could be stopping you from enjoying a peaceful sleep.


Trust us, it is the mattress, not you. Visible damage like rips, lumps, or springs poking out are clear indicators you need a new one. If you are just starting to notice minor imperfections, a mattress topper can extend its life for a little while. But, never stick with an uncomfortable bed.


What else a good mattress supposed to provide, if not comfortable, and peaceful sleep?

You find yourself sleeping better on different mattresses, like at a hotel or a friend’s place, it might be time for a new mattress.

Here is a tip: Use trips away from home as a chance to discover what kind of mattress suits you best.

Preserving Your Mattress: Best Practices for a Longer Life

This section will unfold some valuable insights related to the answer of your query, how long does a mattress last.

Let’s learn how to make your mattress last longer with simple tips. Seek easy ways to keep your mattress in good shape for a comfy sleep, and get your hands on maintenance ideas and protective measures. Follow these steps to protect your investment and sleep better.

Flip Your Mattress Regularly

With the passage of the time, your mattress might become uneven, causing it to sag and become uncomfortable.

Flipping your mattress and rotating it 180 degrees at least twice a year can help distribute the weight more evenly and improve its lifespan.

Use A Mattress Protector

A good quality mattress protector does more than just shield your mattress from dust, allergens, spills, and stains. It also forms a barrier between you, your sheets, and the mattress, keeping it cleaner and more hygienic for an extended time.

Keep Your Mattress Clean

Cleaning your mattress often and quickly taking care of any stains is key. It helps get rid of dust and keeps it dry. Sometimes, you can also put baking soda on it before vacuuming to make it smell fresh.

Include A Proper Foundation

Guys, it is really important to choose a strong wood or metal frame for your mattress. A sturdy base helps spread the weight evenly and can make your mattress last longer.

No Bouncing Over the Bed

Sorry kids, we hate to break it to you but too much bouncing on the bed can quickly damage your parents’ mattress. It can not only damage the mattress over time but also damage the box spring underneath it, due to the extra pressure from bouncing.

What Factors Influence the Lifespan of a Mattress?

There are several factors that contribute to a lifespan of a mattress!

Do you want to know about some valuable insights related to increasing the longevity of mattress?

Let’s have a deep dive into that as well, so that you will be more informed when you make the decision of choosing your next mattress. 


The construction, and making affects how long does a mattress last?

Some materials like latex and tough foam last longer, but softer foam wears out faster.

Original Quality

How good your mattress was when you bought it matters. Cheap ones don’t last as long as pricier ones. Expensive mattresses usually have better quality and last longer.

Mattress Type

Different types of mattresses last different lengths of time. Latex ones last the longest, then high-density foam beds. Cheaper foam and hybrid models don’t last as long. Innerspring beds last about 5 to 6 years.

Sleep Position & Body Weight:

How you sleep and how much you weigh affect how long does your mattress last.

People with more weight might find their mattress sags sooner, while side sleepers might see sagging around their hips and shoulders.

Care Routine

Taking care of your mattress helps it last longer. Clean it regularly, use protective covers, and follow care instructions. Some mattresses need flipping or rotating, so check what the manufacturer recommends.

What Type of Mattress Lasts the Longest? Exploring Different Mattresses!

This section will unfold some of the different types of mattresses, so that you know the difference.

We assume that you know some of the types of mattresses, but you don’t know how long does they last. 

Don’t worry, we will unwrap some key insights related to it too.

How long does a memory foam mattress last?

A memory foam mattress can stay good for about 10 years. You’ll notice it needs replacing when it starts to sag. To make a memory foam mattress last longer, it needs to be good quality, with several layers of dense foam.

How long does a hybrid mattress last?

Hybrid mattresses, which have both memory foam and innerspring, usually last around 7 to 10 years.

If it is over 10 years old, it is probably time to get a new one, just like with memory foam mattresses.

How long does an innerspring mattress last?

Innerspring mattresses don’t last as long as other types. Typically, they only last about six to eight years.

They are made of coils of different metals. These mattresses are firm and support your body in specific areas, but the coils can break down easily.

How long does a latex mattress last?

Latex mattresses usually last the longest, about 10 to 12 years on average. They’re made from natural materials, which helps them last longer if they’re taken care of well.

How long does a memory foam mattress last?

A memory foam mattress can stay good for about 10 years. You will notice it needs replacing when it starts to sag. To make a memory foam mattress last longer, it needs to be good quality, with several layers of dense foam.

How to Choose A Mattress That Lasts Long?

As you have just came to know about the different mattresses, and their average life span, we are now going going to move forward.

This section of our blog post will highlight some significant pointers that will help you to choose the best mattress that lasts long.

So, let’s have a read!

Pick Up The Comfort Level That You Need

Different sleeping positions need different types of mattresses.

Yeah, we get it!

  • Back sleepers usually need medium firmness.
  • Side sleepers might prefer softer mattresses that mold to their bodies.
  • Stomach sleepers might need a very firm mattress to support their hips and shoulders.
  • Your body weight also affects what firmness is best.
  • People with more weight often need firmer mattresses.
  • People with light weight usually like softer ones.
  • A medium firmness mattress is often recommended for people with back pain.

Considering Your Budget

We recommend you to consider your budget when shopping for a mattress.

Trust us, prices can vary a lot, so think about how much you want to spend before you start looking. Cheaper mattresses might not be as good quality, so it is worth investing in something that will give you better sleep.

  • Remember to factor in extras like mattress pads or protectors when budgeting. To save money, try buying during sales events like:
  • Memorial Day
  • Labor Day
  • Black Friday
  • Presidents’ Day.


A good-quality mattress should last about 7-10 years before significant sagging occurs.

It’s generally recommended to replace your mattress every 7-10 years for optimal comfort and support.

A mattress may not be in its best condition after 20 years; its support and comfort may have significantly compromised.

The life expectancy of a mattress is typically 7-10 years, but it varies depending on usage and quality.

You can tell if your mattress is worn out if it sags, has visible signs of damage, or if you wake up with aches and pains.

Wrapping Up!

How long does a mattress last? We have just highlighted significant pointers, and now concluding our main context. 

As we all know that the quality of your sleeping surface significantly impacts your comfort, so it has become very important to choose your mattress wisely.

A good bed mattress doesn’t have to be expensive, but it must possess the comfort that you expect. It is recommended to avoid assuming that the priciest mattress is always superior to others.

We hope that you have found our article thought provoking, and got to know some valuable insights related to the lifespan of a mattress.

Let’s have peaceful sleep and not waking up tired anymore!

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