How to Get Pee Out of a Mattress? Easy and Proven Methods

Picture of Jessa Taash
Jessa Taash

February 22, 2024

Get pee out

Accidents happen, and when they involve a mattress and urine, it’s not just about the mess. But also about ensuring comfort and hygiene are swiftly restored.

Worry no more! ‘How to Get Pee Out of a Mattress: Easy and Proven Methods’ is your ultimate guide to turning a messy situation into a victory for cleanliness and comfort. 

Whether it’s a small child, a pet accident, or simply an unexpected mishap, urine stains and odors can turn your cozy sleep haven into a source of stress and discomfort.

But fear not, here’s the twist – this isn’t your average cleaning guide. We’re not just talking about basic clean-up but powerful methods.

That not only removes these unwelcome stains but also eliminates odors, leaving your mattress as fresh and inviting as ever.

Think it’s impossible? Think again! Our guide is peppered with easy, do-it-yourself methods, all using items you likely have in your home right now. 

So buckle up and get ready to get pee out of a mattress through the world of hassle-free, mattress-saving techniques.

By the end of this guide, you’ll not only know how to get pee out of a mattress effectively but also how to prevent future accidents and maintain a hygienic sleeping environment.

So, let’s dive in and turn that daunting task into a manageable, almost effortless process.

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How to Get Pee Out of a Mattress?

The following steps describe how to get pee out of a mattress.

Pre-Cleaning Steps

Before tackling the main cleaning methods for removing urine from a mattress, it’s important to follow some essential pre-cleaning steps.

These 4 easy steps to get pee out effectively removed and the mattress is restored to its best condition. Here’s how to get pee out of a mattress by starting with the right preparatory actions.

What do you need?

  1. Clean, Dry Towels or Paper Towels
  2. Cold Water

Step 1: Remove Bedding

  • Strip the mattress of all bedding.
  • Wash bedding immediately to prevent urine stains.

Step 2: Blot the Stain

  • Use a clean, dry towel to absorb urine from the mattress.
  • Press gently, don’t rub, and blot from the stain’s edge inward.

Step 3: Prevent Worsening

  • Focus on containing and preparing the stain for deeper cleaning.

Step 4: Ventilate the Room

  • Keep the room well-ventilated to aid drying and reduce odors.

These quick pre-cleaning steps are crucial to effectively get pee out from a mattress. Follow up with thorough cleaning methods for best results.

Natural Cleaning Solutions

Several natural solutions are surprisingly effective in getting pee out of a mattress. These methods are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly and gentle on the mattress materials.

Vinegar and Baking Soda Method

Vinegar, with its natural acidic properties, is excellent for breaking down urine’s alkaline salts. To use this method:

  1. Mix one part white vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the solution generously on the stained area.
  3. Let it sit for 10–15 minutes.
  4. Blot the area with a dry towel to remove excess moisture.
  5. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the area; it will fizz, indicating the reaction with the vinegar.
  6. Allow it to sit for several hours or overnight.
  7. Vacuum up the baking soda residue.

Hydrogen Peroxide Mixtures

Hydrogen peroxide is effective for its mild bleaching and disinfecting properties, making it suitable for urine stain removal.

  1. Prepare a solution of 8 ounces of hydrogen peroxide, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of dish soap.
  2. Apply this mixture lightly onto the stain.
  3. Allow the solution to dry completely.
  4. Once dry, vacuum up any residue.
  5. Repeat if necessary, but be cautious, as hydrogen peroxide can lighten some fabrics.

Essential Oils for Odor Removal

Essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus can help neutralize odors and impart a fresh scent.

  1. After cleaning the stain, mix water with a few drops of your chosen essential oil in a spray bottle.
  2. Lightly spray the mattress.
  3. Allow it to air dry.
  4. This step can be repeated as needed for a pleasant smell.

Lemon Juice and Salt Solution

Lemon juice acts as a natural bleach and deodorizer.

  1. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and salt to create a paste.
  2. Apply this paste to the stain and let it sit for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Wipe off the paste with a clean cloth.
  4. If the stain persists, repeat the process or leave the paste on for a longer duration.

These natural solutions are not only effective in removing pee out of a mattress but also stains. These methods are safe for most types of mattresses.

However, It is always a good idea to spot-test any solution in an inconspicuous area first.

Commercial Cleaning Products

When natural remedies aren’t enough or when dealing with particularly stubborn urine stains and odors, commercial cleaning products can be the go-to solution.

These products are formulated specifically to tackle tough stains and odors, making them a powerful tool in your cleaning arsenal.

Recommended Products for Urine Removal

There are several products on the market specifically designed for urine stain and odor removal. Look for cleaners that contain enzymes, as these are particularly effective at breaking down the proteins in urine.

Some popular brands include Nature’s Miracle, Resolve, and OxiClean. These products usually come in spray bottles or as a powder that can be dissolved in water.

When selecting a product, consider:

  • The type of fabric or material of your mattress.
  • The severity and age of the stain.
  • Any sensitivity to fragrances or chemicals.

Using Enzyme Cleaners

Enzyme cleaners are a powerful choice for urine stains. They work by breaking down the urine at a molecular level, which helps to remove both the stain and odor effectively.

To use an enzyme cleaner:

  • Apply the cleaner generously to the stained area.
  • Allow it to sit for the recommended time on the product label.
  • Blot up any excess liquid.
  • Allow the mattress to air dry completely.

Some stains may require multiple treatments.

Safety and Effectiveness

While commercial cleaners are effective, it’s important to use them safely:

  • Always test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the mattress first to ensure it doesn’t cause discoloration.
  • Use gloves and ensure good ventilation during use, especially if you have respiratory sensitivities.
  • Keep these cleaners out of reach of children and pets.

Commercial cleaners can be a powerful tool, but remember that natural methods can be equally effective for minor or fresh stains.

Consider the environmental impact and health implications when choosing your cleaning method.

How to Get Pee Smell Out of a Mattress?

Get Pee Out

Eliminating the smell of pee from a mattress is as crucial as removing the stain itself. Urine odor can linger long after the stain is gone, making the bedroom environment unpleasant.

Here are some effective methods to neutralize and remove these stubborn odors and get pee out of a mattress.

Understanding the Source of Odor

Urine odor is primarily due to ammonia, which is released as the urine breaks down. The longer the urine sits, the more ammonia is produced, intensifying the odor.

It’s important to address the smell as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming ingrained in the mattress fibers.

Baking Soda Method

Baking soda is a natural odor absorber and can be very effective in neutralizing pee smells.

  1. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire surface of the mattress.
  2. Let it sit for several hours or overnight to absorb the odor.
  3. Vacuum up the baking soda thoroughly.

Vinegar Solution

White vinegar is also effective in combating urine odors.

  1. Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the solution lightly over the mattress surface.
  3. Let it air dry completely.
  4. The vinegar smell will dissipate, taking the urine odor with it.

Preventive Measures

To prevent future odors:

  • Use a waterproof mattress protector to prevent urine from penetrating the mattress.
  • Regularly clean and vacuum your mattress.
  • Address spills and accidents immediately to prevent odors from setting in.

These methods can greatly reduce or eliminate urine odors, making your mattress fresh and clean again

How To Get Pee Stains Out of a Mattress?

Struggling with a pee-stained mattress? First, let’s start with the ingredients you’ll need.

What do you need?

  • White Vinegar
  • Plastic Wrap
  • Cold & Clean Water
  • Clean Towels or Paper Towels
  • Detergents

Step 1: Vinegar Soak

  • Mix a solution of two parts white vinegar and one part cold water with some amount of detergent
  • Generously apply this mixture to the stained area, ensuring it’s completely soaked.

Step 2: Seal with Plastic

  • Cover the vinegar-soaked area with plastic wrap and set it for 1-2 days.
  • It will help the solution penetrate deeper and work on the stain.

Note: Do not rub because this attempt will soak up the excess liquid.

Step 3: Natural Drying

  • Remove the plastic wrap and let the mattress air dry.
  • Ensure good ventilation in the room for faster drying.

Step 4: Reapply if Needed

  • If the stain persists at the first attempt, don’t worry. It’s okay for deep, stubborn stains. It requires repeating Steps 1 and 2.
  • Vinegar is safe for multiple applications.

Step 5: Final Spot Cleaning

  • Once the stain is gone, gently spot-clean the area with water.
  • Use a clean towel to blot and remove any remaining cleaning solution.

By following these steps, you can effectively get pee stains out of your mattress.

Remember, patience is key, and sometimes, multiple applications are necessary for stubborn stains. This simple yet efficient method will help keep your mattress clean and fresh.

Here are some other ways to remove stain types for you.

Four Ways to Tackle Accidents on a Mattress

Dealing with urine accidents on a mattress requires different approaches depending on the type of stain.

Here are four methods tailored to specific kinds of urine stains, ensuring effective cleaning and odor removal.

Method 1: Best for Wet Stains

Wet or fresh urine stains require immediate attention. The quicker you act, the easier it is to prevent the stain from setting in.

  1. Blot up as much urine as possible with a clean cloth or paper towel.
  2. Apply a mixture of 50% white vinegar and 50% water to the area.
  3. Blot again to remove excess liquid.
  4. Sprinkle baking soda over the area to absorb remaining moisture and odor.
  5. Vacuum up the baking soda once dry.

This method helps in quickly neutralizing and removing fresh urine before it penetrates deeper into the mattress.

Method 2: Best for Stubborn Stains

For stubborn stains that have set in, a more robust approach is needed.

  1. Make a solution of 2 tablespoons of dish soap, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, and 8 ounces of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Apply this mixture to the stain and gently rub in with a brush.
  3. Let it sit until it dries completely.
  4. Vacuum the residue.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

This method is particularly effective for stains that have not been addressed immediately and have become more challenging to remove.

Method 3: Best for Old Stains

Old stains might require multiple treatments.

  1. Rehydrate the stain with a small amount of water.
  2. Apply an enzyme-based cleaner, as enzymes break down the proteins in the urine.
  3. Allow it to sit for at least an hour or as per the product’s instructions.
  4. Blot up any excess moisture.
  5. Repeat the process if the stain persists.

Enzyme cleaners are particularly effective on old stains as they can break down old urine components.

Method 4: Best for Strong Smelling Stains

For stains with a strong odor, focus on odor removal as well as cleaning.

  1. Clean the stain using the method best suited for its age and severity.
  2. Once clean, apply a liberal amount of baking soda to the area.
  3. Mix a few drops of essential oil with water and lightly spray over the baking soda.
  4. Allow this to sit overnight.
  5. Vacuum the mattress thoroughly.

The combination of baking soda and essential oils can effectively neutralize strong odors, leaving the mattress smelling fresh.

Specific Mattress Types

Different types of mattresses require different approaches when it comes to cleaning urine stains. Here, we’ll explore how to get pee out of a mattress of different types.

We will discuss how to get pee out of memory foam and futon mattresses, and how to handle pet urine.

How to Get Pee Out of a Memory Foam Mattress?

Struggling to get pee out of memory foam mattress? Stay tuned. Memory foam mattresses need a gentle approach due to their absorbent nature.

  1. Blot the stain gently with a clean cloth to absorb as much urine as possible.
  2. Mix a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water and lightly spray it on the stained area.
  3. Gently blot the solution to minimize soaking.
  4. Sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it sit for several hours.
  5. Vacuum up the baking soda thoroughly.
  6. Air-dry the mattress completely before using it again.

Avoid saturating a memory foam mattress, as it’s difficult to dry out and can lead to mold and mildew.

How to Get Pee Out of a Futon Mattress?

Futon mattresses require a bit more care due to their unique materials and construction.

  1. Remove the futon cover if possible and wash according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Blot the urine stain with a dry towel.
  3. Apply a mixture of vinegar and water, or use an enzyme cleaner, onto the stain.
  4. Blot again to remove excess moisture.
  5. Apply baking soda to the area to absorb odor.
  6. Vacuum the baking soda after a few hours or overnight.
  7. Allow the mattress to air dry fully.

Ensure the futon is completely dry before folding or using it to prevent mold growth.

How to Get Dog and Cat Pee Out of a Mattress

Get Pee Out

Pet urine can be particularly challenging due to its stronger odor and potential for repeat marking. Here are proven methods to get pee out of pets:

  1. Blot up as much urine as possible.
  2. Use an enzyme-based cleaner specifically designed for pet stains.
  3. Apply the cleaner generously to ensure it reaches the deeper layers of the mattress.
  4. Allow it to sit as directed on the product label.
  5. Blot up any excess solution.
  6. Sprinkle baking soda over the area to absorb residual odor.
  7. Vacuum the baking soda after it has sat for several hours.
  8. Use a waterproof mattress protector in the future to prevent similar incidents.

Enzyme cleaners are especially effective on pet urine as they neutralize both the stain and odor.

FAQs: How to Get Pee Out of a Mattress?

Yes, urine can damage a mattress if not cleaned promptly. The acids and salts in urine can break down the fibers and structure of the mattress.

It lingering odors, stains, and, in severe cases, mold and mildew growth.

A wet mattress will eventually dry out, but it’s crucial to accelerate the drying process to prevent mold and mildew.

Using fans, dehumidifiers, or placing the mattress in a well-ventilated area can help speed up drying.

Baking soda is highly effective in neutralizing urine odors. Enzyme-based cleaners are also excellent for eliminating both the odor and the stain, especially for pet urine.

To quickly dry urine out of a mattress, blot the area thoroughly with absorbent towels, apply a small amount of water if needed, and then blot again.

Use a fan or a hairdryer in a cool setting to speed up the drying process.

After blotting out as much liquid as possible, sprinkle baking soda over the area to absorb moisture.

Vacuum the baking soda after a few hours and allow the mattress to air dry, ideally in a sunny, well-ventilated space.

You can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, dish soap, or an enzyme-based cleaner to get pee out of a mattress.

These alternatives are effective in breaking down urine and removing stains and odors.

The drying time depends on the amount of urine and the mattress material. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day for urine to dry completely on a mattress.

Air fresheners can mask the urine smell temporarily, but they don’t eliminate the odor. It’s important to use methods like baking soda or enzyme cleaners for effective odor removal.


Dealing with the challenges of “how to get pee out of a mattress” can be troublesome, yet it is essential for maintaining the hygiene and longevity of your mattress.

The most effective approach hinges on quick action and the right cleaning techniques.

Whether the urine stain is fresh, old, or particularly stubborn, employing suitable methods like using natural solutions such as vinegar and baking soda or commercial enzyme cleaners is crucial.

It is important to remember that the longer urine remains on a mattress, the more challenging it becomes to eliminate both the stain and the odor.

Additionally, the risk of damage to your mattress escalates. Prompt cleaning not only simplifies the process but also helps in preserving the mattress’s condition.

Moreover, preventive measures play a significant role. Utilizing a waterproof mattress protector can be a lifesaver, especially in households with young children or pets.

These steps ensure that the mattress remains not just visually clean but also hygienic and free from unpleasant odors.

If you face other issues with your mattress like sagging the mattress, fixing holes in the air mattress, and checking the mattress for bed bugs, feel free to read our guide. 

You can directly reach us in the comment box, The Sleep Advisory team is always here to help you. 

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