How to Get Blood Out of Mattress: A Comprehensive Guide

Picture of Quinlan

March 1, 2024

Blood Out of Mattress

Discovering a blood stain on your mattress can cause frustration and worry. You may be concerned about permanent damage and hygiene implications within your cover. Such stains impair your mattress’s appearance. They also remind us of our sleeping environments’ vulnerability to accidents. This can lead to concerns about the effectiveness of traditional cleaning methods. It also raises questions about the mattress’s overall longevity. The challenge of maintaining a clean and hygienic sleeping environment is important. It directly impacts both your physical health and mental well-being. A new mattress is foundational to good sleep hygiene. It facilitates a comfy night’s sleep and keeps allergens and irritants at bay.


Tackling blood stains on your mattress is vital for its longevity and cleanliness. Our guide provides practical steps to effectively remove stains, ensuring your mattress remains hygienic and comfortable for rest. Explore our article for tips on maintaining a bed bug-free sleeping environment.

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Immediate Steps to Get Blood Out of Mattress

Discovering a blood stain on your mattress can be alarming. However, acting swiftly can greatly increase your chances of completely removing the stain. The key to success lies in addressing the stain as soon as possible. This prevents it from setting and becoming more difficult to remove. Follow these immediate steps to get blood out of mattress and minimize damage:

Blot the Stain Gently

  • Do Not Irritate: Start by gently blotting the stained area with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel. It’s crucial to avoid rubbing the stain, as this can push the blood deeper into the mattress fibers. This makes the stain harder to remove.
  • Use Cold Water: If the stain persists after dry blotting, dampen another cloth with cold water. Then, blot the area again. Cold water prevents blood from clotting. Warm or hot water can cause coagulation, making the stain more stubborn.

Apply Cold Water Directly (For Fresh Stains)

  • Direct Application: If the stain is fresh and still wet, you can also try pouring a small amount of cold water directly onto the stain. Then, continue to blot with a clean cloth until the stain stops transferring to the cloth.
  • Minimal Water Use: Be cautious not to soak the mattress; use just enough water to help lift the stain. Excessive moisture can penetrate deep into the mattress, leading to issues with mold and mildew.

Consider Salt or Baking Soda for Absorption

  • Salt Solution: For particularly persistent fresh stains, sprinkle a generous amount of salt over the wet area. Salt can help absorb the blood, drawing it out of the mattress. After a few minutes, scrape off the salt and blot any remaining moisture.
  • Baking Soda Application: Alternatively, you can use baking soda by sprinkling it over the stain. Then, dab it with a cloth moistened with cold water. Baking soda not only helps absorb the blood but also acts as a natural cleaning agent.

Rinse and Repeat if Necessary

  • dipped in cold water. Ensure you’re not saturating the mattress.
  • Repeat Process: Consider using a specialized cleaning solution designed for blood stain removal on mattresses.

By following these steps, you can improve your chances of removing blood stains from your mattress. Patience and persistence are key. Some stains may need multiple treatments. With prompt care, your mattress can stay clean and fresh.

Essential Supplies to Remove Blood Out of Mattress

Having the right tools and cleaners is crucial. They are necessary to effectively remove blood stains from your mattress. Here’s a detailed list of essential supplies you’ll need. Each one can be beneficial in tackling bad blood stains.

Tools and Cleaners You Need

  • Cold Water: Cold water is your first go-to for fresh blood stains as it helps dilute and lift them before they set. It’s essential for initial blotting and rinsing.
  • Clean Cloths or Paper Towels: You’ll need plenty of these for blotting the stain. Opt for white or light-colored clothes to avoid color transfer to your mattress.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Its mild bleaching properties make it a go-to solution for this purpose. It works best on light-colored mattresses. Caution should be exercised when using it on darker fabrics to avoid discoloration.
  • Baking Soda: Known for its absorbing and cleaning properties, baking soda can help lift stains when made into a paste with water. It’s also beneficial for eliminating odors.
  • Liquid Dish Soap: A mild liquid dish soap can be used to create a cleaning solution that breaks down the proteins in blood. It’s gentle on most fabrics and effective when mixed with cold water.
  • Salt: Salt is a great option for fresh stains, as it absorbs the blood, making it easier to lift off the mattress. It’s especially useful for immediate action.
  • Meat Tenderizer Powder: Unseasoned meat tenderizer powder can break down the proteins in blood stains. Mix it with water to create a paste, apply it to the stain, and then rinse off after a short period.
  • Enzymatic Cleaner: For tougher or dried stains, an enzymatic cleaner can break down the blood’s proteins, making it easier to wash away. These cleaners are designed to tackle organic stains and are safe for most mattress fabrics.
  • Vacuum: A handheld vacuum or the upholstery attachment of your regular vacuum is essential for removing any dry residue. This includes substances like baking soda or salt after the cleaning process.

How Each Product Works

  • Cold Water acts as a gentle diluent that prevents the blood from setting, making it easier to blot away the stain.
  • Clean Cloth or Paper Towels are essential for absorbing the blood and moisture without rubbing the stain into the fabric.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide reacts with the blood, breaking it down and lifting it from the fabric. It’s especially useful for stubborn or dried stains but should be spot-tested first.
  • Baking Soda not only lifts stains when used as a paste but also neutralizes odors, leaving your mattress fresh.
  • Liquid Dish Soap cuts through the proteins in the blood, helping to release the stain from the fabric when mixed into a solution.
  • Salt works by absorbing fresh blood, pulling it out of the mattress fibers, making it easier to clean.
  • Meat Tenderizer Powder breaks down blood proteins. It does so in a similar way to enzymatic cleaners. This offers a unique home remedy for blood stain removal.
  • Enzymatic Cleaner specifically targets organic stains like blood. It does so by breaking down the stain’s structure for easy removal.
  • Vacuum ensures a clean finish by removing any remaining dry particles from the mattress surface.

Detailed Guide on How to Get Blood Out of Mattress

This detailed guide will walk you through the techniques and steps necessary for tackling both types of stains. 

This practice ensures that your mattress remains in pristine condition.

Techniques for Fresh Blood Stain Removal

Fresh blood stains are easier to deal with because the blood has not yet had time to set into the fibers of the mattress.

Follow these step-by-step for the best chance of removing fresh blood stains completely.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fresh Stains

  • Blot the Stain: Immediately blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to remove as much blood as possible. Avoid rubbing to prevent spreading the stain.
  • Apply Cold Water: Dampen a cloth with cold water and gently blot the stain. The cold water helps to dilute the blood, making it easier to lift from the mattress.
  • Create a Cleaning Solution: Mix a small amount of liquid dish soap with cold water. Apply this solution to the stain with a clean cloth, gently dabbing to treat the area without saturating the mattress.
  • Rinse with Cold Water: After treating the stain, rinse the area by dabbing it with a cloth dampened with cold water. This helps to remove any soap residue and remaining blood.
  • Dry the Mattress: Pat the treated area dry with a clean towel or allow it to air dry completely before putting the sheets back on the mattress.
  • Repeat if Necessary: If the stain persists, repeat the cleaning process or consider using hydrogen peroxide for a more powerful stain-lifting effect. Apply a small amount to the stain, let it bubble, then blot away.

Methods for Dried Blood Stain Removal

Dried blood stains require a more intensive cleaning approach due to the blood having set into the mattress fibers. These strategies can help you tackle these older, more stubborn stains.

Strategies for Older, Stubborn Stains

  • Hydrate the Stain: Gently apply a cloth soaked in cold water to the dried stain to soften and hydrate the blood, making it easier to treat.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Apply according to the product instructions. Alternatively, hydrogen peroxide can be used for its bleaching effect on lighter mattresses. Test on a small area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the fabric.
  • Blot and Rinse: After applying the cleaner, blot the area gently with a damp cloth to remove the cleaning solution and lift the stain. Rinse with a cloth dampened with cold water.
  • Use Salt: For particularly stubborn stains, create a paste using salt or baking soda with water. Apply this to the stain, let it sit for up to an hour, then gently scrape off and blot the area clean.
  • Dry the Mattress Thoroughly: Ensure the mattress is completely dry before replacing the bedding. Use a fan or open windows to speed up the drying process if necessary.
  • Vacuum the Area: Once dry, vacuum the treated area to remove any residual particles from the cleaning process.

By following these detailed guides, you can effectively remove both fresh and dried blood stains from your mattress. This helps to maintain its cleanliness and extend its lifespan. Remember, patience and persistence are key when dealing with stubborn stains.

Expert Advice on How to Get Blood Out of Mattress

Removing blood stains from a mattress can be delicate. It requires a balance of the right techniques and products. Whether you’re addressing a fresh spill or an old, stubborn stain, knowing the do’s and don’ts can significantly impact the outcome. Knowing when to tackle the stain yourself and when to call in a professional is key to maintaining your mattress’s integrity and hygiene.

Do's and Don'ts in Blood Stain Removal


  • Act Quickly: The sooner you address the stain, the easier it will be to remove. Fresh blood stains are always simpler to clean than dried ones.
  • Blot, Don’t Rub: Gently blot the stain with a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel. This helps remove as much blood as possible without spreading it further into the mattress fibers.
  • Use Cold Water: Always use cold water when treating blood stains. Warm or hot water can cause the proteins in the blood to coagulate, making the stain more difficult to remove.
  • Test Cleaning Solutions: Before applying any cleaning solution to the stain, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the mattress. This step ensures it won’t cause damage or discoloration.
  • Allow the Mattress to Dry Completely: After cleaning, ensure the mattress is thoroughly dry before covering. This prevents mold and mildew growth.


  • Don’t Use Hot Water: As mentioned, hot water will set the stain, making it nearly impossible to remove.
  • Avoid Bleach: Unless your mattress is white and bleach-safe, avoid using bleach as it can damage the fabric and colors of most mattresses.
  • Don’t Saturate the Mattress: Use cleaning solutions sparingly to avoid soaking the mattress. Excessive moisture can lead to problems such as mold and mildew growth.
  • Don’t Skip the Rinse: Always rinse out any cleaning solutions with cold water. This prevents residue that could attract more dirt or degrade the mattress fabric.
  • Don’t Rush the Drying Process: Avoid using heat to dry the mattress. Instead, allow it to air dry naturally or use a fan to help circulate air around it.

Professional vs. DIY Cleaning Methods

When to DIY:

  • Fresh Stains: If the blood stain is fresh and hasn’t set in, you can usually handle it yourself using the techniques described above.
  • Small Stains: Smaller stains are typically manageable with household items like hydrogen peroxide.
  • Surface Stains: If the stain hasn’t penetrated deeply into the mattress, DIY methods can be effective.

When to Call a Professional:

  • Large or Deep Stains: If a significant amount of blood has soaked into the mattress, professional cleaning may be necessary. This ensures thorough deep cleaning and sanitation.
  • Old, Set-In Stains: Professionals have access to powerful enzymes and industrial-grade cleaners. These can break down and remove old stains more effectively than DIY methods.
  • Valuable or Antique Mattresses: If your mattress is particularly valuable or delicate, consulting a professional can help avoid damage from improper cleaning techniques.

Many blood stains can be effectively treated with careful DIY methods. However, recognizing when a stain is beyond your ability to clean is crucial. Knowing when to seek professional assistance ensures the best outcome for your mattress. Professional cleaners not only have the experience but also the equipment to thoroughly remove stains and sanitize your mattress. This ensures it remains a comfortable and hygienic place to rest, maintaining its quality and longevity.

Preventing Blood Stains on Mattresses

Ensuring your mattress remains clean and free from blood stains contributes to a hygienic sleep environment. Additionally, it extends the life of your mattress. Taking preventive measures and performing regular maintenance significantly reduces the likelihood of stains. Additionally, it simplifies cleaning efforts when accidents do occur.

Protective Measures to Keep Your Mattress Clean

Mattress Protectors and Covers:

  • Invest in a Quality Mattress Protector: A waterproof mattress protector is an essential investment. It helps keep your mattress free from blood stains and other types of spills. It adds an extra layer of protection, safeguarding your mattress from accidents and prolonging its lifespan. Look for protectors that offer a comfortable sleep experience without compromising on protection.
  • Choose Breathable Materials: While a mattress protector needs to be waterproof, choosing one made from breathable materials ensures that it doesn’t trap heat. 
  • Opt for Easy-to-Clean Options: Select a mattress protector that can be easily removed and washed in a washing machine. 
  • Consider Encasement Covers: For maximum protection, consider using a mattress encasement that covers the entire mattress. Sealing it away from potential stains, allergens, and pests.
  • Use Protective Sheets: In addition to a mattress protector, using a protective sheet can offer an extra layer of defense. It is against spills and stains, making cleanup even easier.

Regular Maintenance for a Stain-Free Mattress

Routine Care Tips:

  • Regular Vacuuming: Vacuum your mattress regularly using the upholstery attachment to remove dust, and dead skin cells.
  • Spot Cleaning: Address spills and stains immediately, even if you have a mattress protector. The quicker you clean up any accidents, the less likely they are to set in.
  • Air Out Your Mattress: Whenever you change your bedding, let your mattress air out for a few hours to release any moisture that may have accumulated. 
  • Rotate and Flip Your Mattress: Rotating and, if recommended by the manufacturer, flipping your mattress every 3-6 months helps ensure even wear. This practice also extends its lifespan, maintaining its comfort and support over time.
  • Professional Cleaning: Consider having your mattress professionally cleaned once a year. This helps to deep clean and remove any accumulated dirt, stains, or allergens that regular home cleaning might miss.

Implementing protective measures and regular care can reduce the risk of blood stains and other damage to your mattress. This helps maintain its comfort and support over time. A clean, well-maintained mattress contributes to a pleasant sleeping environment. Additionally, it extends the mattress’s longevity. This ensures it remains comfortable and supportive for years to come.

When to Seek Professional Help for Mattress Blood Stains

DIY methods can handle many blood stains. However, professional cleaning is necessary in some situations. Professionals possess the expertise and equipment to effectively tackle tough stains, ensuring your mattress remains pristine. Knowing when to seek professional assistance can save you time. It also ensures that your mattress is properly cared for without causing further damage.

Evaluating the Severity of Mattress Stains

When DIY Methods Are Insufficient:

  • Size and Depth of the Stain: Large or deeply embedded stains that have soaked through the mattress surface may require professional extraction methods to remove fully.
  • Age of the Stain: Older stains that have had time to set and chemically bond with the mattress fibers. They are typically more challenging to remove with household products.
  • Type of Mattress Material: Some mattresses are sensitive to water or certain cleaning agents. If unsure how to clean yours safely, professional guidance can prevent accidental damage.
  • Repeated Failures of Home Remedies: If multiple attempts to clean the stain have failed, consider professional help.
  • Health Concerns: In cases of blood stains from injuries or accidents, professional cleaning services are crucial. They address health concerns like bloodborne pathogens. They ensure mattresses are sanitized and safe for reuse.

Benefits of Professional Mattress Cleaning Services

  • Advanced Cleaning Techniques: Professional cleaners have access to powerful solutions and equipment. They can extract stains and sanitize mattresses effectively.
  • Expertise and Experience: Professionals are trained. They handle various types of stains. They work on different mattress materials. This ensures that the cleaning process is safe and effective.
  • Time and Effort Savings: Seeking professional help saves you time and effort. Especially with difficult stains, particularly large or deeply embedded ones.
  • Health and Hygiene: Professional services provide a deeper clean. They effectively remove stains. Additionally, they eliminate allergens, dust mites, and potential pathogens. This contributes to a healthier sleep environment.
  • Longevity of Your Mattress: Properly cleaning and maintaining your mattress with professional assistance can extend its life. It ensures your mattress remains comfortable and supportive. This longevity guarantees years of quality sleep.

Deciding to seek professional help for mattress blood stains involves considering the severity of the stain. You should also assess the specific challenges it poses. Additionally, weigh the potential benefits of expert cleaning services. When uncertain, consulting with a professional can offer peace of mind. It ensures your mattress receives the best possible care.


Immediately blot the stain with a cold, damp cloth to remove as much blood as possible. Avoid using hot water because it can permanently set the stain. Apply a mixture of baking soda and cold water directly to the stain, let it sit for 30 minutes, then dab away with a clean cloth.

Yes, hydrogen peroxide is highly effective for removing dried blood. Apply a small amount directly onto the stain, allow it to fizz, then gently dab the area. Be mindful that hydrogen peroxide may bleach some fabrics, so it’s wise to test a small, hidden area first.

After treating the stain, use a dry towel to absorb as much moisture as possible. You can also use a hairdryer in a cool setting to help dry the area quickly and reduce the risk of watermarks.

Avoid using hot water or ironing the stained area, as heat can set the blood stain permanently. Additionally, do not rub the stain vigorously, as this can spread the stain and embed it deeper into the mattress fibers.

Inspect the mattress after it has completely dried from your initial cleaning attempt. If the stain persists, you might have to go through the cleaning process again. It’s also a good idea to check periodically after cleaning to ensure no moisture or odor has been trapped inside the mattress.


In conclusion, effectively removing blood stains from a mattress demands swift action, proper cleaning techniques, and sometimes professional intervention. Promptly addressing fresh stains with suitable cleaning solutions like cold water, hydrogen peroxide, or enzymatic cleaners is key. Employ gentle blotting techniques to prevent spreading or embedding the stain. Investing in a quality mattress protector can help prevent future stains and extend the mattress’s lifespan.

Know when DIY remedies aren’t enough and consider professional cleaning services for thorough restoration. A clean mattress is essential for a hygienic sleep environment that promotes overall well-being.

We welcome your feedback and questions regarding mattress care and stain removal. Your experiences and insights enrich the conversation, offering valuable assistance to others and maintaining sleeping spaces as pristine sanctuaries.

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