Disclosure and Transparency at Sleep Advisory

Welcome to Sleep Advisory Disclosure Page! Here, we promise you honesty and impartiality in all our mattress reviews. Our goal is to help you find the perfect mattress, not to push a particular brand.

We understand how crucial a good night’s sleep is for you. That’s why we take our role seriously. We examine each mattress carefully and share our findings with you, free from any brand influence.

Your trust means everything to us. We never favor one brand over another. Our reviews are based solely on quality, comfort, and value. This way, you get the real story on every mattress.

This page is our pledge to you: honest, unbiased advice. Thank you for trusting us on your journey to better sleep!

About Our Affiliate Links

In this section, we want to talk openly about affiliate links. You might be wondering what they are. These are links that can earn us a small commission at no extra cost to you.

It’s important to us that you know how we use these links. We use them to support our website, but they don’t affect our reviews.

Our promise to you is this: Our advice is always honest and unbiased, regardless of affiliate links.

What Are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are special web links we use on our site. When you click on these links and buy something, we might get a small amount of money from the sale. This doesn’t cost you anything extra. It’s like a thank you from the company for introducing you to their product.

We use this money to keep our website running and to continue providing you with great mattress advice. But remember, our advice is always honest and focused on what’s best for you, not on making money from these links.

How We Use Affiliate Links?

We carefully select products that we truly believe are the best for your sleep. When we find a product we trust, we may include an affiliate link in our review.

If you decide to buy a mattress using one of these links, we get a small commission. This doesn’t change the price for you at all. It’s a way for companies to thank us for recommending their products.

But here’s our promise to you: Our recommendations are always based on quality and your sleep needs, not on the commissions we might earn. Your trust and good sleep are our top priorities.

Our Approach to Mattress Reviews

In our reviews, we’re all about honesty and clarity. Our team, spread across the country, works hard to give you real insights. We look at each mattress from every angle.

We know how important a good mattress is. That’s why we dive deep into details. It’s not just about how a mattress looks but how it feels, lasts, and supports you.

Our promise to you? No favorites, no biases. Just straight, helpful advice. We’re here to guide you, not to sell you a brand.

Selection Criteria for Mattresses

We look at many things to make sure a mattress is top-notch. Comfort and firmness are key. A good mattress should feel just right and support your body well. We check how it aligns your spine, too, for a healthy sleep.

The materials used are important. They should be high quality and last a long time. We also look at the price. We want to make sure you’re getting a great deal for what you pay.

Other things matter, too, like how well the mattress controls temperature and isolates motion. We read lots of customer reviews and check for any health benefits. We also look at how safe the mattress is, how long you can try it, and the warranty details.

You can learn more about our detailed review process here.

Independence in Reviews

We review mattresses based on their merit, not because a brand tells us to. Our goal is to give you unbiased information. We don’t get paid by mattress companies to say good things. Our reviews are our own.

We believe you deserve honest advice to make the best choice for your sleep. So, we focus on being truthful and straightforward. This way, you can trust our reviews to guide you in finding the right mattress.

Your trust is important to us, and we’re here to help you sleep better with no strings attached.

Earnings and User Trust

Now, we want to be open about how we sustain our website while keeping your trust: We do earn some money through affiliate links. This helps us keep giving you great mattress advice. But it doesn’t cost you anything extra.

Most importantly, our reviews are honest. We never let earnings influence what we say. Your trust is our top priority. This balance helps us stay true to our mission: providing you with genuine, helpful mattress reviews.

How We Earn Through Affiliate Links?

When we review a mattress and include a link to buy it, this is often an affiliate link. If you click on this link and buy the mattress, we get a small amount of money from the sale. But this doesn’t cost you anything extra.

We use this money to keep our website running and to keep providing you with honest mattress advice. We need to be open about this so you know our reviews are always focused on helping you, not on making money.

Our Commitment to Your Trust

Our top priority is to provide honest and unbiased mattress reviews. We’re here to guide you in finding the best mattress for your needs. We never let affiliate links or partnerships influence our opinions.

We understand that trust is earned. That’s why we’re transparent about how we work and how we earn. Our reviews are always based on thorough research and real testing.

Your confidence in our advice means everything to us. We promise to always put your sleep quality and satisfaction first in everything we do.

Health Disclaimer

We are experts in mattresses, not health professionals. Our advice focuses on helping you find the best mattress for a comfortable sleep.

While a good mattress can improve your sleep, it’s not a substitute for medical advice. If you have health concerns, it’s best to talk to a healthcare expert.

Limitation of Our Advice

Our expertise is in finding the right mattress for you, especially if you have specific needs. We do extensive testing and research to recommend mattresses that help with back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, and other discomforts while you sleep.

But remember, our recommendations are only about mattresses. We don’t give health or medical advice. If you have serious pain or health concerns, it’s important to see a healthcare professional.

We’re here to help you choose a mattress that supports your sleep comfort. For medical advice, always consult with a health expert.

Seeking Professional Medical Advice

We offer great suggestions for mattresses that can help improve your sleep. But we are not doctors or healthcare professionals.

If you’re dealing with serious sleep issues or health problems, it’s really important to see a doctor. They can give you medical advice that we can’t.

Our goal is to help you find a comfortable mattress. But for health issues, always get advice from a medical expert. They know best when it comes to your health.

Keeping You Informed

Our goal is to share the most current information about how we work. We regularly update our policies to stay transparent and trustworthy. If you have questions, we’re here to answer them. Our team values your curiosity and concerns.

Updates to Our Policies

We always work to keep our information up to date. Sometimes, we need to change our policies to be better and clearer. We do this to make sure you always get the best and most current mattress advice.

Whenever we make changes, we’ll let you know. Stay informed with us as we continue guiding you to great sleep!

Contact Us for Questions

Have any queries or need some advice? Feel free to reach out to us. Whether it’s about mattress reviews or sleep tips, we’re here to help.

You can contact us easily. Just send an email to contact@sleepadvisory.com or visit our Contact Us page. 

We’re looking forward to assisting you on your journey to better sleep. Your questions and feedback are always welcome!

Message to Mattress Manufacturers:

At Sleep Advisory, our commitment is to deliver content that’s both accurate and current, ensuring it faithfully represents your products. Should you find any discrepancies or inaccuracies regarding your product on our site, we warmly welcome your input. It’s invaluable to us. While we can’t promise immediate review updates, we assure you that we’ll consider any necessary adjustments responsibly. For any clarifications or to flag concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We appreciate your collaboration in helping us maintain the highest standard of information for our readers. Thank you for partnering with us in this endeavor.